Bosatsu– Heroes who save people while aiming for Nyorai –
【A Heroic Guardian for All! Unleash the Power of a Thousand Arms!】 Senju is the hero inspired by Thousand-armed Kannon(千手観音). He has the following po... -
【A beaming hero brings sunshine and well-being to all.】 Nikko is the hero inspired by Sunlight Bosatsu (Suryaprabha). She has the following powers! She is ... -
【Harness the power of the moonlight and heal the world!】 Gakko is the hero inspired by Moonlight Bosatsu (Candraprabha). She has the following powers! She ... -
【The Enlightened Guardian with the All-Seeing Eye!】 Fukuu is the hero inspired by Fukuukensaku Kannon. He has the following powers! He is perfect for those... -
【The Savior of Six Realms, bringing hope to those in need!】 Jizai is the hero inspired by Kannon Bosatsu(Guanyin). He has the following powers! Jizai takes... -
【A protector who carries the treasures of enlightenment, leading all to peace and happiness.】 Nyoi is the hero inspired by Nyoirin Kannon (如意輪観音, Cint... -
【The radiant goddess on a majestic elephant brings hope and healing to women in need!】 Fugen is the hero inspired by Fugen Bosatsu(普賢菩薩, Samantabhadra)... -
【The wise master of miracles who brings forth the power of water to wash away your troubles!】 Sei-shi is the hero inspired by Seishi Bosatsu (勢至菩薩, Mah... -
【Ride on the back of a lion and soar to enlightenment!】 Monju is the hero inspired by Monju Bosatsu (文殊菩薩, Manjushri). He has the following powers! He ... -
【The 11-faced deity is always vigilant. Let me be your guide through life's trials and tribulations.】 Jyu-Ichi is the hero inspired by the Eleven-faced Kan...