

Embrace the spirit of bravery, ward off misfortune, and restore your well-being under the guidance of the mighty guardian!

Bishamon is the hero inspired by Bishamonten(Vaiśravaṇa,毘沙門天). He has the following powers!

Bishamon is suitable for those who want to overcome their worries and achieve their goals. He is believed to provide protection from misfortunes and help regain health from illness. Additionally, he is associated with achieving victory in battles.

symbolizing his prowess in battle. Adorned in armor and helmet, he stands strong and mighty. In some depictions, he is shown triumphantly stepping on a demon, representing his ability to conquer evil.

Let’s go see this hero!

There are several places where these heroes can be seen, but the following locations are recommended!

Sennyuji Temple

  • Name
    • 泉涌寺(せんにゅうじ)
    • Sennyuji Temple
  • Address
    • Kyoto
    • Sennyuji Temple, 27 Sennyūji Yamanouchichō, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, Japan

Kurama-dera Temple

  • Name
    • 鞍馬寺(くらまでら)
    • Kurama-dera Temple
  • Address
    • Kyoto
    • Kurama-dera Temple, 1074 Kuramahonmachi, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan


  • Name
    • 毘沙門堂門跡(びしゃもんどうもんせき)
    • Bishamon-do
  • Address
    • Kyoto
    • Bishamondo, 18 安朱稲荷山町 Yamashina Ward, Kyoto, Japan