Privacy Policy

This page is in Japanese followed by English

Date of enactment: May 29, 2023
Last revised: May 29, 2023






  • ご本人の同意がある場合
  • 法令に基づく場合
  • 不正行為やその他の違法行為を防ぐために個人情報の開示が必要となった場合







Cookieを無効にする方法やGoogleアドセンスに関する詳細は「広告 – ポリシーと規約 – Google」をご確認ください。


当サイトではGoogleが提供するアクセス解析ツール「Googleアナリティクス」を利用しています。(Google アナリティクスのデータのプライバシーとセキュリティについてはコチラ


トラフィックデータは匿名で収集されており、個人を特定するものではありません。ユーザーはブラウザの設定でCookieを無効にすることで、トラフィックデータの収集を拒否することができます。詳しくはGoogle Analytics利用規約またはポリシーと規約 – Googleをご確認ください。


当サイトへの当サイトへのコメントを残す際に、IP アドレスを収集しています。
なお、全てのコメントは管理人が事前にその内容を確認し、承認した上での掲載となります。あらかじめご了承ください。コメントを残す際に、IP アドレスを収集しています。




English ver.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

This website may ask you to enter your name, e-mail address, and other personal information when you make an inquiry or comment on an article. The personal information obtained will be used to respond to your inquiry or to contact you by e-mail or other means with necessary information, and will not be used for any other purpose.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties except in the following cases

  • When we have the consent of the person in question
  • When required by law
  • When disclosure of personal information is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activities.


This site uses “Google Adsense,” a third-party advertising service, and by using cookies, may display advertisements for products and services that match the interests of users.

By using cookies, this site will be able to identify a computer based on the user’s IP address and other information, but it will not be able to identify the individual user. Users can disable cookie-based advertising through Google’s advertising settings.

This site is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by promoting and linking to

We are also a participant in the Rakuten Affiliate Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by promoting and linking to Rakuten Ichiba.

Third parties may provide content and advertising, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize cookies on visitors’ browsers.

Please see “Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google” for more information on how to disable cookies and Google Adsense.

Access Analysis Tools

This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google. (For more information on Google Analytics data privacy and security, click here.)

Google Analytics collects user traffic data through the use of cookies.

Traffic data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable. Users can refuse the collection of traffic data by disabling cookies in their browser settings. For more information, please see the Google Analytics Terms of Service or Policies and Terms – Google.

About Comments

We collect IP addresses when you leave comments on this site on our site.
This is a standard supported feature of the site and we do not use this IP address except in response to spam or vandalism.
Please note that all comments are posted only after the administrator has reviewed and approved them in advance. Please understand this in advance. We collect IP addresses when leaving comments.
This is a standard feature supported by the site, and we do not use IP addresses for any other purpose than to respond to spam or vandalism.
Please note that all comments are posted only after the administrator has reviewed and approved them in advance. Please note that all comments will be posted only after prior review and approval by the administrator.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This site will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information and will review and improve this policy as appropriate.

The revised and updated Privacy Policy will always be available on this page.